Dignified Care to Help People Survive Homelessness in West pasco

How to be a light for those in need

Ways to Help

Help Us. Help them.

We have open volunteer and partnership opportunities available. Please check out our latest openings and share.

In addition, here are other methods to aid people impacted by homelessness in the community.

crowdfunding concept raising money for a project or idea to help homelessness

Be an influencer

Use your social media networks to raise funds and awareness through platforms like Facebook and GoFundMe.

person holding donation box clothing money food and a heart for homelessness homeless

Be a Helping Hand

Carry some extra bottles of water, toilet paper, snacks, socks, and other supplies and be ready to help if you see someone in need. (Great article on things to pack)

influencer male blogger microphone advocate communicate

Be an Advocate

Learn and raise awareness about issues impacting homelessness. Attend town halls, reach out to federal and state officials, contact county commissioners, and talk to your neighbors about solutions.

volunteer praying for homeless man during wellness check giving meals

Be a Friend

Treat people with respect. Look folks in the eye. Get to know their name. Ask how they are doing. It goes such a long way. And if someone asks for help, provide resources.

NOTE: FindHelp.org, 2-1-1 are two good resource sites.

Other Ways to Be a Light